Friday, September 12, 2008

Fantasy??? More like a second job...

So it’s been a while but I finally have something substantial to say. FOOTBALL! More specifically fantasy football. Like Gollem I love and hate the game. It consumes my entire life during the fall semester and during law school that is a very dangerous. Seriously I spend so much time checking my fantasy page that if it continues into my career someone’s constitutional rights may be at stake.

The first such obsession was the draft was when I saw Tom Brady available after all the popular running backs were taken. Of course I drafted the guy. Then of course, Murphy, that rat bastard, and his stupid law had to interfere. 5 minutes into the first game he goes and gets a season ending injury. GOOD FREAKING JOB. So now I’m last in my league, because I got 3 points from Brady instead of 33, and frantically changing my teams, instead of learning about federal income taxation exemptions.

In short, to the man that invented fantasy football die a terrible terrible death, and you should have a monument dedicated to your glory. But if I get sued for malpractice because some guy ended up in prison I’m citing you as the reason why.


Fred said...

I am going to reply to this post as if I were Murphy (my 12-year-old Cairn Terrier):

RUFF! ARF! Fantasy injuries (especially the horrible, season-ending ones) can rarely be explained by logic. Tom Brady should have had stronger blocking on that play, but I'm actually kinda glad he got hurt. ARFARFARFARFARF!! ::runs after garbage truck, leaps on window sill:: Of course, you could just sign Matt Cassel, Brady's QB backup, and let it ride for the season. RUFF! RUFF!

P.S. Don't you call me a rat bastard, I'll poop on your foot.

Scott said...

You know, I'm discovering how woefully out of my element I am when it comes to this blog and its two major themes: gambling and sports. I might as well get the sex-change operation and a dress and call it a day.

Also: Your fantasy football is the same as my Warcraft. Deal with it. :)