Friday, June 26, 2009

A Cautionary Tale

Let me tell you a story about a guy who led children away from their homes. He created an elaborate wonderland for them to escape to, in part in their minds and in part in reality. He took them away from their families and then slowly started to warp their fragile young minds. He did all this without a lot of media attention at first, but then the public started to catch on. Not long after the public caught on he did something major to disfigure his face and most people who saw it found it very disturbing, indeed. To this day he denies that he has done anything wrong, although it is well documented that he slept with at least some of them.

Michael Jackson? No. Charles Manson. Do you care if HE wrote a couple hit records before he did any of those things? I sure don't.

Before you get all heated about comparing the two, consider this: at least Manson's victims were mostly old enough to make their own decisions! Other than that, the similarities are quite striking other than the record contract.

So why does the public care so much about the death of Michael Jackson? We haven't lost the music, only the horrible pedophile that created it.

Worse yet people are going to start labeling him "mentally ill." Well, yes, probably, but so what? You could likely call 90% of criminals "mentally ill" if your definition is simply that their brains do not function in a manner that allows them to fit comfortably within the confines of our society. Does that mean they have any less control over their actions than someone not "mentally ill"? Absolutely not. So they are equally liable for their actions. And just in case you want to argue the converse - that they have less control over their actions - consider this: doesn't that make them more important to remove for society? After all, if they have less control, they are less able to be rehabilitated. And, finally, to quiet the drug dealers: in giving them back lost control aren't you giving them just enough control to go off drugs and lose it again?

Seriously, America, get your damn priorities straight. Years ago we were given great music and we still have that music. Yesterday a harmful pedophile died. Play his records if you want but stop mourning his death. His victims aren't (unless they have Stockholm Syndrome. I'm looking at you, Macaualy Culkin).

1 comment:

PatentlyJersey said...

I'll give you that yes he has done things that are wrong, plain and simple. But what I would ask you to consider is how many other musicians/artists do you know of are saints. Most drink, do drugs, beat spouses and turn some of their fans into whores after shows and/or gigs. Do you think Metallica checks the ID of every groupie they let into the backstage area for a quickie?

While both Jackson and Metallica have committed wrongs at least he has issues from a F'ed up child hood. Metallica gets head from underage groupies during concerts under the stage... they grew up in sunny California in a much different situation so let's examine everyone's simultaneously shall we?

PS Metallica will never have an equivalent to Thriller