Friday, July 25, 2008

Just a peep

I haven't posted in a while. But I'm not a slacker, I'm sparing you. Sparing you the ranting tirades in my head every day. You don't want to hear it. I wrote a whole post about this retarded fat black woman in Walmart (I should've just shortened it to "Walmart customer" but now I've lengthened it to absurdity instead) who was overheard saying, "There's no one at those self-checkout things, that means you can't go there." I deleted it, you're welcome.

Then there's a post that was aborted somewhere amongst a multitude of neuronal firing about someone I stuck my neck out for, who is being uncompromisingly, unrepentently stupid. And making me look terrible. Not because she sucks at life, because I suck at people.

Let's not forget the one about fuck it, I said I'd spare ya. You're welcome.

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