Friday, July 25, 2008

Another Year Older...

I recently had yet another birthday and I realized that it is not actually birthday, blowing out the candles or cutting my leg and counting the rings that makes me feel old. There are numerous other things that I have been noticing. For instance never before in my life have I looked for an engagement/wedding ring when I meet a woman. I was on the train one day looking at yet another engagement ring thinking “what a waste” when I consciously realized what I was doing and it actually kind of depressed me. I cannot remember when I started looking for a wedding ring but clearly getting old or becoming an adult happened sometime ago. Which I suppose is yet another sign of getting old, time to get that ginko biloba.

The next sign of becoming a grown up, in my eyes at least, was that I read the newspaper the other day, the reason being, I FINISHED THE ONLY BOOK I HAVE IN MY APT. Who is this mysterious new person and why is he reading for pleasure? I seriously may not have read books for pleasure since I outgrew Goosebumps. I know what you’re going to say, what do you mean you don’t read? My standard response is, oh I’m sorry you may not have heard they have an invention called the TV now and with my “library” of DVD’s I can rival any public library book collection. What’s the difference if I spend my time reading crime novels or watching the Wire… honestly?

Finally, it’s summer right? Why am I staying in on a Thursday night? Why did I take an exam on my birthday when it comes in the last week of July? Will I have a true summer vacation at the Jersey Shore like when I was younger ever again? Decidedly not. At least until I have kids that I can take to the shore on the weekends, but for that to happen I need to get more counseling from Scottery because I have yet to be happy with a girl for more than 2 months.

And now for a few things that still make me feel young. I was a very fussy eater when I was little, which every always jokes about because I am so big now… haha I guess that change haha… I mean I’m 6’4 and I weigh over 200 pounds. My doctor, who is about 5’5 and spherical tells me I need to lose weight, tell him I need to do some crunches and he needs to lay off of the … well everything. Honestly for a kid who has spent the last 6 years in a library I’m not in the worst shape. But I digress I am happy to announce I still do not like fish, shelfish, eggs, mayonnaise or coffee. I’ve come to eat, or at least try, everything else. I know you may think that I’m crazy because I’m in law school and I don’t drink coffee… the taste, I haven’t found that magic combination of cream and sugar to make it not taste disgusting… please don’t kill me scottery. The other thing that makes me think that I’m not so old is the fact that it is 1:30 in the morning and I am still up putzing around, counting the hours until the weekend, though I have no job and will be studying day or night, week or weekend until… well… forever.


Fred said...

You best prepare for that book collection of yours to TRIPLE, in the most awesome way possible... YEAH BRAH, steak sauce!

Anonymous said...

You guys are pretty good at this, I have to say I find myself amused and on certain occasions, even accidentally enlightened. It makes me want to write a blog, but I know I can't hop on this particular blog train since it'd be breaking some kind of Man code and I'd have to trade in my boobs to do so, at the very least.